From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. En route to the station, Leia and Han felt uncomfortable around Nashtah, though they insisted on finding the identity of the coup's leader. Jaina accompanied her mother, father and niece to the event, while Jedi Knights Natua Wan and Radd Minker escorted them. In the wake of Darth Cadeus' death, the now-peaceful Galactic Alliance harbors a growing mistrust toward the Jedi, and the situation is worsened by a Force-induced psychosis that begins afflicting individual Jedi, sending them on violent rampages. In the film, Leia is among those on the bridge of her flagship, the Raddus, who are expelled into space when the ship is attacked by the First Order. Having heard tales of a Jedi exodus from the dark crypts below the planet's surface and also hearing that since the time of the exodus no one entering the crypts has returned alive, Leia went to Belsavis to start her search. One of the more popular Star Wars characters, Leia has been called a 1980s icon, a feminist hero and model for other adventure heroines. After offering to sell it to her for a ridiculous price, he threw a smoke grenade and tried to escape, but was caught and forced to land by the Wild Karrde. Set twenty-five years after the events of the 1983 film Return of the Jedi and six years before 2015's The Force Awakens, it follows Leia Organa as she navigates troubles brewing in the Galactic Senate.. To her relief, Luke killed the monster; however, Leia was rewarded by being choked and hassled around by her furious master. Leia helped the Jedi students make plans to deal with Exar Kun to save Luke. Leia accompanied her brother on his mission to locate the Glove of Darth Vader, a rare gauntlet once owned by her father. Though Leia did not admit at first, she had feelings for Han, but she also had feelings for Luke. Leia was pregnant during the Thrawn campaign. After landing on the world of Krant, Leia encounters a mysterious Jedi by the name of Echuu Shen-Jon. She started moving the Ishori ship towards the threat, which absolutely incensed the Ishori captain. After Luke arrives and kills Jabba's Rancor, Jabba sentences Luke, Han and Chewbacca to be fed to the Sarlacc. As Han grimly prepared to ram the Falcon into an Imperial vessel to allow the other Rebels to escape, he ordered Leia to an escape pod, but she refused. [64], Leia appears in the animated series Star Wars Resistance, voiced by Rachel Butera and Carolyn Hennesy. Attacking the Imperials from the rear, the Herdessan citizens quickly subdued their former oppressors and ended the battle. [117], Leia also showed a talent in Force-flashing electronical devices. The leaders of the discontent parties gathered on Kabray to share their concerns with one another. [111], On Tenupe, during the Swarm War, Leia dueled for the third time with Dark Jedi Alema Rar. Elle et son frère jumeau Luke, né peu avant elle, étaient les enfants de la sénatrice Padmé Amidala, qui mourut en couche , et le Chevalier Jedi Anakin Skywalker, qui venait de récemment succomber au Côté Obscur de la Force. "[135], Leia's slave costume when she is held captive by Jabba the Hutt at the beginning of Return of the Jedi—made of brass and dubbed Leia's "Metal Bikini" or "Gold Bikini"—immediately made the character (and Fisher) a "generational sex symbol" celebrated by pin-up posters,[96][136] and later merchandising and cosplay. He's always that. It was there that Leia came across her father's childhood friend Kitster Banai in the Valley of the Spirits. [19], During the Death Seed plague crisis in 13 ABY Leia was kidnapped by Seti Ashgad and was taken to Nam Chorios, the home of Tsils and the strange alien lifeform, droch. Allana began training at the Jedi academy, though she ultimately left the academy to reside permanently with her grandparents. [103] To make things worse, her eldest son Jacen was presumed lost as well after the other Jedi of the strike team felt his supposed death through the Force. She was then forced into replacing Oola as Jabba's favorite slave girl. She doesn't believe in the Empire, but she is acting the part, almost a double agent. During their conversation, Fel revealed that he was marooned on Tenupe for two years after being shot down by Leia. [55][56] Fisher's daughter Billie Lourd, who portrayed Lieutenant Connix in all three sequel trilogy films, also stepped in as Leia for a brief flashback in the film in which her face was digitally replaced by Fisher's likeness, using imagery from Return of the Jedi.[57]. The bestselling Legacy of the Force series (2006–08) chronicles the crossover of Han and Leia's son Jacen to the dark side of the Force while the Jedi, Solos and Skywalkers fight against his growing power. [113], During their return to Coruscant, Leia and Jacen performed a Force meld in order to keep the aged ship intact. These two forces came to a head, Leia had no choice but to invoke the Article Five of the Common Charter to forestall a recall vote against her office and declare war against the Yevetha. Her 'cinnamon bun' hairstyle from Star Wars (1977) and metal bikini from Return of the Jedi have become cultural icons. However, using powers akin to those Jacen had been known to use, the rogue Jedi was able to escape his captors. However, this would be a burden as she had to be away from her young children. [49] In April 2017, Fisher's family granted Disney and Lucasfilm the rights to use recent footage of the late actress in The Rise of Skywalker. After the Battle of Exegol, a redeemed Ben Solo sacrifices the remainder of his life force to resurrect a dead Rey, and he vanishes at the same time as Leia becomes one with the Force. [127] In the 1987 Mel Brooks comedy film Spaceballs, Princess Vespa (Daphne Zuniga) appears to have the hairstyle, which is soon revealed to in fact be a large pair of headphones. [71] The Tof also happened upon Den Siva, and blackmailed Siva into leading his Nagai forces and their prisoners into a Tof ambush—leaving Leia and Dani in the clutches of the Tof. In exchange for their silence, they helped fix the Falcon and allowed Han and Leia to leave. However, the results were astonishing as the second child of Anakin Skywalker finally started to reach her true potential in the Force. After leaving Tatooine, Leia joined the gathered Rebel fleet near Sullust, and accompanied General Crix Madine's commando force to the forest moon of Endor where the Death Star II's shield generator was located. [68] In the story, Luke and Leia seek a crystal on a swampy planet and eventually face Vader in combat. The newly married Leia fears that any children she has may succumb to the dark side like her father. Soon after Leia accompanied Luke and Han to Endor, using a stolen Imperial Shuttle to bypass the Super Star Destroyer Executor. [94], While still on her leave of absence to spend more time on her Jedi training, Han arranged a vacation to the sleepy Pakrik system. Eventually Shysa joined Organa in her search for Han and as a result the two developed a relationship. With the New Republic close to falling apart, Organa secretly headed to the Hapes Cluster in order to ask their ruling Consortium for aid. Introduced in the original 1977 film Star Wars,[c] Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan is a member of the Imperial Senate. Their search was cut short, however, when they were captured by a gang of bounty hunters employed by Domina Tagge. Leia soon found Wan confronting Jaina, and aided her daughter in a brief lightsaber duel with the Falleen, before Jedi Minker head-butted the deranged Jedi, rendering her unconscious. [122], She was saved by the bell when Master Cilghal came in, saying she had good news. [59], Leia displayed latent telepathy, despite having never been trained in the use of the Force, when Luke reached out to her and she sensed his distress as he hung from a weather vane after being defeated by Darth Vader. However, as she got older and matured, her outspoken nature lessened over time.As an adult, Leia is considerably highly intelligent, wise, calm, level-headed, and a responsible tactician. Mon Mothma, alliance leader, and Admiral Ackbar explained that the superweapon was protected by a deflector shield on the forest moon of Endor, and that while a strike team including Luke, Han, and Leia sabotaged the shield, a fighter team would penetrate the main reactor. Despite the fact that his Force abilities were greatly boosted by the planet, Beldorion was killed by Leia in a lightsaber duel. In addition, Seff's actions led to further discord between the Jedi and Chief Daala, who feared that Jacen had set a trend for younger Jedi turning to the dark side, forcing Luke to recall all Jedi to the Temple. [13], After returning Allana to her mother on Hapes, Han and Leia traveled back to the Jedi outpost on Endor. But I really debated whether or not Leia should remember her.[35]. In the two Hand of Thrawn novels by Timothy Zahn (1997's Specter of the Past and 1998's Vision of the Future), Leia tries to hold the New Republic together as Moff Disra conspires for its volatile factions to destroy each other. She is bewitched by the crime lord Prince Xizor using pheromones, but Chewbacca helps her elude the seduction.[90]. and a painting of Leia and other characters surrounding Lucas appeared on the cover of the May 25, 1983 issue of Time announcing Return of the Jedi. Han volunteers for a mission to infiltrate the First Order's Starkiller Base to disable its defensive shields. Fisher told Rolling Stone in 1983, "In Return of the Jedi, [Leia] gets to be more feminine, more supportive, more affectionate. Master Hamner then came in demanding what had happened outside. Even before her official training, Leia proved capable of defeating the centuries-old and fully trained Dark Jedi Beldorion in a fierce lightsaber duel. After speaking to Banai and another of her father's childhood friends, Wald, and reading her grandmother's diary, Leia discovered her father had not been born or raised as the evil monster she had known, and decided that there was nothing inherently evil in the Skywalker bloodline. Though she had some memory of her, they were only "images" and "feelings." It may have been derived from "Lay'a" which in. Allegiance (2007) and Choices of One (2011) by Timothy Zahn are set between Star Wars: A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, and feature Leia and her cohorts seeking new allies for their Rebellion against the Empire. They destroy system after system and defeat both the Jedi and the New Republic forces in countless battles. Palpatine is reborn in an inferior, rapidly deteriorating clone body in Empire's End (1995), and seeks to possess the body of the infant Anakin. ], George Lucas stated that he wanted one of the Skywalker twins to recall their mother, hence Leia describing her as "very beautiful, kind but sad" in Return of the Jedi.[146]. However, the relationship did not last.[source? [99] Soon after she joined SELCORE, a movement that aided refugees. [80], When they first met, the two got off to a rocky start;[5] however, as they worked together during the Galactic Civil War, Leia and Han Solo developed a relationship that would last throughout the war. Master Hamner argued that since they had served a warrant, the Jedi are required to submit to it. At a formal reception he presented many gifts which Leia accepted, nearly saying yes to his proposal. La princesse Leia Organa d'Alderaan, plus simplement appelée Princesse Leia, est un personnage de fiction, femme politique sensible à la Force dans l'univers de Star Wars, née en 19 av. In it, she develops her disdain for the Empire, as well as a conflict with Tarkin. Mission from Mount Yoda (1993) finds Ken's father Triclops alive and willing to join the Rebels against the Empire. Leia replaced Mon Mothma as Chief of State at this time. Leia's well-known hairdo in A New Hope has been affectionately dubbed the "doughnut hairstyle," or cinnamon buns, by many science fiction fans.[source?] She was often seen by many, especially her family, as a tomboy and was sometimes mistaken for a domestic girl rather than a princess. Leia senses that Luke is in trouble, and goes back to save him after he is nearly killed during a lightsaber duel and confrontation with Vader. [122], Leia was the negotiator of course and decided that the GAS squad needed a little help understanding. Vader arrests Leia and has her tortured, but she resists revealing anything. A teenage version of Princess Leia, voiced by Julie Dolan, appears in a 2016 episode of the animated series Star Wars Rebels, which is set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. [103] Meanwhile, Leia and Han gained temporary custody of their nephew as his parents were busy fighting the war. — In-game description Princess is a formerly Event, now Legendary appearance for Leia Organa in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II. Leia appears periodically in the Young Jedi Knights series (1995–98) by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta. Luckily, Suzu and Leia created a diversion that delayed the execution and allowed Leia to ambush Lumiya's guards. As a child, Leia was not fond of her role as the Princess of Alderaan. [87], After fleeing to Nespis VIII, Leia's second son was born and named Anakin after his grandfather Anakin Skywalker. Jaina and her mother followed Ben discreetly to Monument Plaza while he met with one of his local contacts, Lon Shevu, a captain in the Galactic Alliance Guard. [88], The next year as Luke began the process of restoring the Jedi Order, Leia, Han, and Chewbacca set out on a mission of their own, vital to the survival of the fragile New Republic. After Shevu was captured, Ben escaped away from the two Solos, trying to keep them from being discovered. Leia had successfully managed to discuss the treaty preliminarily with Pellaeon, but returned to find fleets of warships facing off over Bothawui. [36] Despite her grief over the supposed death of her brother, Leia proved capable of dueling Tahiri Veila; indeed, it was the intervention of Han Solo alone that made Leia spare the aspiring Sith apprentice's life. In The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Leia commands a Rebel base and evades Vader as she falls in love with the smuggler Han Solo. In the aftermath of the victory, Leia bestows medals on the heroes at the hidden Rebel base on Yavin 4. [60], Unbeknownst to Organa, Darth Vader had manipulated her as he really had no interest in preventing her financial deal for the starfighters; he only wanted to take possession of the priceless Alderaanian jewels. He kills Luke's wife Mara Jade as his final sacrifice to become Darth Caedus, the new ruler of the Sith. There, Luke reveals to Leia that she is his twin sister and that Vader is their father. At Tenel Ka's request, Leia and Han adopt Allana, disguised with the name "Amelia" to protect her from any future vengeance against Cadeus or the Hapes Consortium. Before he could kill them off, Leia engaged Nom Anor, slicing off his hand in the process. Leia was devastated by feeling her twin's death, but pulled herself together to face Tenel Ka, which was needed immediately to remove Hapan support from Jacen. [114], Han and Leia eventually escaped Sing, only to take another passenger by the name of Lalu Morwan, who was responsible for hiring Sing to assassinate Tenel Ka and her young daughter. She was anything but what I expected.

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