NIU Press publishes scholarly and trade books in the humanities and social sciences for both specialists and general readers. Or send us a book proposal that describes. Art Submission Guidelines for Authors. The Ohio State University Press was established in 1957 and currently publishes 30 new books a year. Once the fiscal year closes, royalty calculations begin, and all payments are processed by We would ask that you print the electronic file you will be provided with and make changes on the hard copy. 30 Park Place What is my involvement with copyediting? If your book will have an e-book edition (which is typically the case), the e-book will be released at the same time as the print book. You will also be involved in reviewing the second proof, though note at this stage you are not doing a full read/review again but rather checking that your previous edits have been correctly implemented. Poetry submissions must follow a different set of guidelines, found here. You then return the Word files to your editorial contact at the press, where the changes are finalized and the manuscript is moved into production for typesetting (aka, the creation of the first page proof). Submit a hard copy of the manuscript. Although it is your responsibility to provide the index, making one is a highly specialized activity that is most often left to professional indexers and authors with extensive indexing experience. Since its founding in 1965, Northern Illinois University Press has worked to support and enhance the reputation and research mission of the University and academic community by publishing outstanding works of scholarship for a global audience. Ohio State University Press: Recent submissions. When do I see page proofs? How do I indicate changes in the PDF? If you find that your work calls for a specific deviation from a standard practice, feel free to approach your editorial contact at the press. Endnotes should also be prepared in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style. September 30. Please provide full information about the permissions that have been or will have to be procured for quoted material and/or illustrations. LSU Press is one of the oldest and most prestigious academic Named for the distinguished poet who taught for many years at Ohio University and made Athens, Ohio, the subject of many of his poems, this competition invites writers to submit unpublished collections of original poems. You should not be rewriting text. Edwards placed third in this year’s contest, and Rhodes placed fourth. to Swallow Press/Ohio University Press general submission: nonfiction. Your share of any rights income received will be included with your annual royalty payment. Do I have to do the index myself? Contact the managing editor, Tara Cyphers, at if you have questions. […] Full page: $300; Half page: $200; Agency commission: 15% Typesetting and paste up: Billed at cost Mistakes are inevitable. A total word and/or character count for the work should be given. Manuscript Preparation and Submission Guidelines. While you should view this stage as your last opportunity to make changes to the manuscript, your edits should be limited to those in response to the copyeditor’s marks and queries. Whom can I contact if I have editorial or production questions? The current director is Tony Sanfilippo, who had previously worked for over 14 years at the Penn State University Press. The Gee Years, 1990-1997  What if I find errors after the book is published? Yes. Look carefully at the front matter, and make sure that the table of contents matches the pagination listed and the chapter titles. You will find us very receptive and eager to make your work as appropriate to your audience as possible. Royalties are paid annually. Your contract specifies your royalty percentages. If you would like to mark changes otherwise, please be sure to arrange this with the managing editor. Pages should be consecutively numbered and printed on one side only. We specialize in literary studies, including narrative theory, Victorian studies, medieval studies, and classics. If you and your acquisitions editor have agreed that your book requires an index (typical for scholarly works), then this step is usually completed at the first proof stage, as that is when pagination is determined. Swallow Press is the literary and trade imprint of Ohio University Press. The Ohio State University Press was established in 1957 and currently publishes 30 new books a year. Chapter-by-chapter outline. Even the smallest changes can create reflow, which we want to avoid, so only typographic errors and egregious mistakes should be fixed. Be sure to give the indexer a due date that will give you time to review the document and still send to us by the deadline we give you. At this stage, poets should review the indents, spacing, and line breaks. the ohio state university press manuscript preparation and submission. Permission to Reprint, The anticipated date of completion (if still a work-in-progress), An up-to-date copy of your curriculum vitae. Thank you for your interest in publishing with Princeton University Press, where we welcome proposals for new books in a wide range of disciplines. Ensure that all illustrations match their captions and that illustrations match the references to them in the text and are appropriately located. For Authors Under Contract Guidelines for Authors Under Contract. Descriptive information only is available for publications in print and for sale. Will I see corrected proofs? Note that the editorial department will also be checking to make sure that the changes have been made properly and that no new errors have been introduced. Frequency: Semiannual Print ISSN: 1944-4990 Electronic ISSN: 2574-2523 Winner of the 2019 Phoenix Award from the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (Read the press release) . We have developed good relationships with a handful of very qualified freelance indexers, and we would be more than happy to connect you with them. We specialize in literary studies, including narrative theory, … Submissions are accepted annually September 1-October 12 through The Journal. Note that the responsibility of correcting the page proofs rests with you as the author (we check pagination, spacing, and design elements and look for egregious errors that have resulted from typesetting). Please email your inquiry to the attention of the appropriate editor, found below. If you have any further questions about royalties or finance-related matters, please contact your acquisitions editor. The Ohio State University Press was established in 1957 and currently publishes 50-60 new books a year. Our goal is to produce an attractive, high-quality book, and to do this, we need your help. It is important to keep in mind that at this stage, the book is not yet designed and thus the layout is represented by various tagging, coding, and formatting, which may look a bit odd. Since 1957, it has been the mission of The Ohio State University Press to advance knowledge by disseminating scholarship in the humanities and the social sciences. After the acquiring editor confirms that your work meets the requirements in our Manuscript Preparation and Submission Guidelines, the book is transmitted to the editorial/production department where it is slotted in our schedule and given a projected release date. Submission are accepted from March 1st through December 1st at The turnaround time on this second proof is quick—usually 48 hours or less. The Ohio State University Press 180 Pressey Hall 1070 Carmack Road Columbus, OH 43210-1002 614-292-1407 (ph) 614-292-2065 (fax) Frequency—2 issues per year Rates. No. Electronic Manuscript Guidelines for Authors. Your contact at the press will email the full proof along with instructions for proceeding. ms preparation and submission page 2 of 2 last updated january 2020 Indiana University Press welcomes submissions in our fields of publication.Please submit your full proposal through our online submission form, which will direct your proposal to the appropriate editor. +1 740 593 1154, Request Remember that alterations at this stage are very costly, both in time and money. How are royalties calculated? What if I have editorial disagreements with the press? Swallow Press The Ohio State University Press About this Publisher. Text should be unjustified (ragged right margin). The full text can be accessed for publications that currently are not in a traditional paper edition. PO Box 5190. Athens, OH 45701-2909 Do not email proposals or inquiry emails to … At this point in the process, changes are costly and difficult, and so you should not be making new edits. Mad Creek Books is the literary trade imprint of The Ohio State University Press. Margins should be at least 1" on all sides. Text should include a table of contents, preface or introduction, all chapters, notes, bibliography, appendices or supplementary materials, and any other text to be included in the work. Royalties are based on a percentage of net sales, with net sales being defined as gross sales of the book less any returns. Edits should be limited to fixing egregious errors and errors that may have resulted in the layout and design process. Ohio State University Press Publications: Recent submissions. All explanatory notes should be prepared as endnotes and placed at the end of the text. Depending on the complexity of your book and the demands of our publication schedule, you will see page proofs (sometimes called first pages) approximately 6–8 weeks after we have finalized the manuscript. Submit. There, you will be able to access important information about your book, including: your title and name as they will appear in the book and in all our promotional materials; your copyediting and production schedule; the book’s anticipated publication date; marketing information; the approved cover once that step has been accomplished; and a variety of other things (e.g., your contract with the press, a flyer to promote the book, and, later on, reviews of your book) that will prove useful to you as you go through the publication process. Third-year physical therapy students Spencer Edwards and Kelly Rhodes received high marks for their video submissions during this year’s American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Geriatrics Consumer Video contest. The press operates on a fiscal year that runs from July 1 through June 30. Guidelines. At this stage, we recommend that you read the pages anew and complete a full review. Authors can bear a portion of the cost if they make too many edits. In general, Ohio University Press follows the stylistic guidelines in the Chicago Manual of Style and asks that authors prepare their manuscripts accordingly. Editing decisions will conform to the standards in our OSU Press House Style Guide, The Chicago Manual of Style, the MLA Handbook, and Merriam-Webster Online. You will be contacted by someone at the press who will provide you with access to your Author Portal. What happens to my book once I submit my final manuscript to the press? Do not send submissions by postal mail. Edited by Emily Hipchen, Brown University . an Exam or Desk Copy, Request There is a $30 entry fee. the subject matter and contribution of your book; the approach or methodology you have chosen; You should confine your review to checking that your previous marks have been correctly implemented. Dot matrix print is only acceptable if it is near-letter quality. When does my book get turned into an e-book? No. We are currently seeking book-length memoir, literary journalism, and general nonfiction manuscripts.Your proposal should include a cover letter, a synopsis (2–4 typed pages) as well as a statement of how you see your book fitting in our list. The OSU Press has published approximately 1700 books since its inception. Swallow Press Alden Library, Suite 101 30 Park Place Athens, OH 45701-2909 +1 740 593 1154 The magazine is endorsed by The Ohio State University, and its contents determined solely by … The award-winning literary magazine of The Ohio State University, The Journal is published four times yearly and supported by the Department of English, private contributions, advertisements, and sales. How do I proof the pages? Yes, you will be sent a set of corrected page proofs (called the second proof). Indexers work on long schedules, so you will want to make arrangements early. She serves on the editorial board of Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men (Indiana University Press). For your initial submission, please send a proposal rather than the complete manuscript, and include the following in your proposal: Cover letter. 671 likes. Narrative Bonds: Multiple Narrators in the Victorian Novel KB Home; Ohio State University Press; Ohio State University Press Publications; Browsing Ohio State University Press Publications by Author Founded in 1928, the University of Oklahoma Press was the first university press established in the Southwest and the fourth founded in the western half of the nation. The HSS Program was created because a need existed to better serve students interested in the Health Sciences. Statement of the purpose, scope, and market for your project. At the page proof stage, when pages are designed and given pagination, you will need to (1) carefully review the PDF/proof you will be provided with (we recommend a brand new read and review) and (2) make (or have made) the index, if your book requires one. Authors or volume editors can compose the index themselves or pay someone to do the work. Kent, OH 44242­â€“0001. After the acquiring editor confirms that your work meets the requirements in our Manuscript Preparation and Submission Guidelines, the book is transmitted to the editorial/production department where it is slotted in our schedule and given a projected release date. However, do keep in mind that we hire highly experienced professional copyeditors who specialize in this kind of work and they may be aware of a compelling reason for a certain convention—and so we will make exceptions to standard practices on a book-by-book basis. The University of Utah Press is delighted to consider your book for publication! How often are royalties paid? What are my responsibilities in the editing and production process? What happens to my book once I submit my final manuscript to the press? Some things in particular to check for include the following: What kind of changes can be made? For your convenience, the Kent State University Press provides the following downloadable guidelines in PDF format. When they have questions, they will insert queries directly in the document, usually with the comments feature, to which you will need to respond. The Press publishes the highest quality, peer-reviewed scholarly works through its books and journals program, promoting the work of academics throughout the world. The marked up manuscript, called redlines, then goes to you for review, as a Word document, along with instructions on how to proceed. Contact us early on in the editorial process—before you return your redlines—to set it up. You will typically have 4 weeks to accept and reject the edits and respond to queries. For other indexing arrangements, you should be sure to work this out with your acquisitions editor prior to your book being transmitted to editorial and production. The index must follow our Indexing Guidelines and should be returned to your press contact as a Microsoft Word document one week following the due date for first proof corrections. Do I get a discount on book purchases? Complimentary copies agreed to in the contract are shipped once the book arrives from the printer. The Ohio State University Press, founded in 1957, is the university press of The Ohio State University. Manuscript copy should be double-spaced, on standard 8½" × 11" paper. “WILD UTAH: America’s Redrock Wilderness” is a webinar event featuring a short film along with a presentation that features images of Utah’s redrock wilderness areas and music produced by Utahns who want to see these beautiful public lands protected. What if I have more questions? Also, she is a HERS Institute Alumna, and she completed an American Council on Education leadership forum and the eighteen-month long Ohio State University President’s and Provost’s Leadership Institute. For more information on submitting or about this prize, see The Journal website: more information contact Mad Creek Books editor in chief Kristen Elias Rowley at, or see our website: Edited by James Phelan, The Ohio State University. A collection of titles published by The Ohio State University Press. Brief abstract (about 150 words) Table of contents. Ohio State University Press Publications: Recent submissions Now showing results 6-10 of 729 Medieval Things: Agency, Materiality, and Narratives of Objects in Medieval German Literature and Beyond  At the manuscript stage, you will receive copyedited manuscript files in Word format and will need to approve the tracked changes you see and finalize the text. With a mission to foster creativity, innovate, and illuminate, Mad Creek Books champions diverse and creative literary writing. Keep in mind, too, that even the smallest change may affect pagination, so please resist the urge to fine-tune or rewrite. Adoption & Culture. Narrative. Ohio University Press does not accept footnotes, typed at the bottom of corresponding pages. When do I make the index? If you find any in your book, forward them to your editorial contact who will mark the changes in the event we do further printings. As an author, you are entitled to 40 percent off any of our titles. OSU Press's book A Mother's Tale, by Phillip Lopate, was widely reviewed by national media in 2017. Ohio State Health Sciences Scholars, Columbus, OH. If your book contains illustrations and tables, these will also be checked to make sure they correspond correctly with the callouts. Editorial/Production. Check that the display pages, subheads, and section breaks are properly formatted. At the review stage, computer disk copy is not required. The press uses highly qualified copyeditors who typically work on manuscripts undisturbed for 4–6 weeks, going over it several times line by line and marking it up with the track changes feature in Word. Now showing results 1-5 of 752. Please send submissions to: Ohio University Press Submissions Alden Library, Suite 101 30 Park Place Athens OH 45701 — or — Now showing results 1-5 of 716. The University of Utah Press invites submission of proposals and manuscripts in the areas of anthropology and archaeology; Mesoamerican, American Indian, Mormon, and Middle East studies; regional and Utah guidebooks; natural history and nature writing; general titles of regional interest; American West, Utah, and environmental history; and a… Check that the footnotes/endnotes are in correct sequence and correspond to the proper reference numbers in the text. What about rights income? All text, including tables, charts, graphs, and illustrations, should be submitted. This is your last opportunity to alter the text, but, again, alterations should be confined to those in response to the copyeditor’s edits and queries. Alden Library, Suite 101 Do I need to request my author copies?

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ohio state university press submissions

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