La glace y est plus bleue, les longueurs plus raides et sa beauté plus sidérante qu’ailleurs. There are several regular and tour bus services that go this way, taking about 5 hours to arrive.To get to El Chalten from El Calafate head west on Rt 11, turn left (north) on Rt. Being out of breath with exertion is normal, as long as the sensation of shortness of breath dissipates with rest. The peak is the highest of a four mountain chain: the other peaks are Torre Egger (2,685 m (8,809 ft)), Punta Herron, and Cerro Standhardt. The Cerro Torre is located in a four mountain chain; Cerro Torre, Torre Egger, Punta Herron, and Cerro Standhart. Cure-dent des cieux, le Cerro Torre est une lame acérée dont le sommet, surmonté d’une calotte glaciaire en forme de champignon, pointe 300 jours par an dans les nuages. 23 and turn left (west). tall). Il ne fut officiellement vaincu  qu'en 1974 mais l'histoire de sa conquête fait partie de la grande légende de l'Alpinisme et vaut la peine d'être lue (ICI), tellement les faits sont extraordinaires et insolites. Climbs usually take three to eight days however it has been climbed in a day and a half. (47), Additions & Corrections Nous ne tardons pas au sommet, le vent commence à se faire sentir. Contributed by Flearretta. Cerro Torre – La Compressor Road Tenant son nom du fait qu’elle fut ouverte par Cesare Maestri, Carlo Claus et Ezio Alimonta en 1970 à l’aide d’un compresseur de 180 kg et 400 pitons. This leads some to look to sleeping pills for help however this can be actually make it easier to get altitude sickness There are a few things you can do to help with periodic breathing. )First attempts- 1950.North Face- Maestri and Egger- 1959 (Disputed)The Lequeses- 1969Compressor Route- Egger- 1970Ragni Route, West Face- 1974First alpine ascent- 1977First alpine ascent of the Compressor Route- 1979First winter ascent- Salvaterra, Giarolli, Sarchi, Caruso- 1985First solo climb- Pedrini Frame- 1985(Dates From Climbing Patagonia), One of the best ways to get the Cerro Torre is through the city of El Calafate and then to El Chalten.There are two air transportation routes; one goes directly to the new El Calafate airport, but may not fly from Buenos Aires daily. -49.292897° S Stay at the same altitude if you don’t improve then go down. air compressor he drills 350 bolts in the southeast wall of the Torre in what is now famously known as the "Compressor Route". Despite the increased breathing, attaining normal blood levels of oxygen, blood saturation, is not possible at high altitude. Consulate Page On Argentina. Début 1959, Cesare Maestri va au Cerro Torre avec l'alpiniste autrichien Toni Egger et Cesarino Fava qui les accompagne. All roads between the two cities are "consolidated" and should be very passable.El CalafateThere are many lodging options in El Calafate. - If possible, you should spend at least one night at an intermediate elevation below 10,000 feet. Accueil » Montagnes » Andes » Cerro Torre. Après ses déboires au Cerro Torre, (et la polémique qui a suivit) le grimpeur autrichien n’en a pas pour autant renoncé aux grandes voies en altitude.Il s’octroie ainsi deux grandes voies alpines de haut niveau libérées par Alex Huber :Bellavista 8c (ou 8b+?) All Rights Reserved. Le Hielo Continental, immense !! From 1996 to 2001 no one has managed to climb to the true summit on top of the overhanging ice mushroom (see also: Cerro Torre - home of the icy Patagonian wind ). What seems to really count is how high you sleep so climbers have followed the general guide line of climb high and sleep low. The first successful ascent (still debated today) was accomplished by Italian climber Cesare Maestri and Austrian climber Toni Egger on January 31, 1959 through Cerro Torre's north face. The track is 2550 meters long, allowing big planes to land normally.According to Santa Cruz Province's Tourist authorities, "with the new airport the tourist villa (El Calafate) will become the center of distribution for the Southern Andes area. Cerro Torre is one of the mountains of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field in South America. Cerro Torre is located in Parque Nacional Los Glaciares in the Patagonia Region of Argentina. The only sleep aid that I can find that has been shown to not disturb breathing while asleep is Zoldipem however as with any medication you need to speak with a physician. Couvert de glace, battu par les vents, son altitude est traître. Fluide et légère, la corde Cerro Torre 7.5 est idéale pour la pratique de l’escalade sur glace ou de l’alpinisme technique. Going down is the best way to treat AMS. El ChalténThe town of El Chalten will serve as your gateway to Cerro Torre. Cerise sur le gâteau son sommet est recouvert d'un champignon de glace d'une cinquantaine de mètres de hauteur. Ascensions Massif de Brenta et Dolomites. You should plan on at least 3 liters of water per day but many swear by 5. Un autre grand moment d'émotion.... la voie du compresseur débute au sommet du névé supérieur. Things To Avoid: The following medications can slow breathing and should never be used by someone who has symptoms of altitude illness. Cette voie située en Patagonie en fit rêver plus d’un. {I have been taking some notes on altitude and its effects on the body and how to avoid AMS. - Premier aller-retour à l’Annapurna (8091 m, Népal) par l’arête est, Jean-Christophe Lafaille (FRA), Alberto Inurrategi (ESP). One reason for this is caffeine that is in coffee, tea, and most pops so you should either avoid these or drink more water. ", Parque Nacional Los Glaciares, Argentina, South America, Images I will do more research on this. Gérard Chantriaux (article paru dans la revue du C.A.F. Drinking helps fight off stuff like hypothermia, frostbite, diarrhea and constipation. Ascending any higher can be dangerous. Preventing Severe AMS: Once you have AMS what can you do to avoid severe AMS? © 2006-2021 Cerro Torre is one of the worlds most coveted peaks because of its difficulty.Cerro Torre is famous not for its height but rather its foul weather, its very long pointed shape and difficult technical climbs. }Here is a page about Argentina: Culture, Travel etc.The Country of Argentina, "Climbing permits are required in the National Park Office at the entrance of El Chalten. It will enable seamless connection with nearby spots, like El Chaltén (National Capital of Trekking and gateway to Mount Fitz Roy) and will allow visitors to make the most of their stay, saving them many hours until now wasted in bus transfers". The range of choices covers everything from complete five-stars hotels, small inns, renting cabins or, during the summer, camping. Transmission of hepatitis A virus can occur through direct person-to-person contact; through exposure to contaminated water, ice, or shellfish harvested in contaminated water; or from fruits, vegetables, or other foods that are eaten uncooked and that were contaminated during harvesting or subsequent handling.Hepatitis B, especially if you might be exposed to blood or body fluids (for example, health-care workers), have sexual contact with the local population, or be exposed through medical treatment. In general try to do the following. Derrière, de gauche à droite au centre, le Cerro Torre, Torre Egger, Punta Herron, Aguja Standhardt. Par Valentin Rakovsky. Climbing permits are required in the National Park Office at the entrance of El Chalten. The first was Maestri with his disputed ascent in 1959, when he returned in 1970 he told he did not climb the final Ice-mushroom (about 40m. Pour concentrer soudainement l’attention du petit monde de la montagne sur un seul sommet, on n’a encore jamais trouvé de méthode plus efficace que de déclarer ledit sommet « impossible ». Cerro Torre is located in Parque Nacional Los Glaciares in the Patagonia Region of Argentina. Lon. While acclimatizing the drug Acetazolamide can help. Listed below are some numbers that may help when planning a trip to El Chalten and Cerro Torre.The trail head is at the edge of El Chalten. Le Cerro Torre est un sommet de Patagonie, situé à la frontière entre l'Argentine et le Chili.Le sommet ou pic est le plus élevé d'une chaîne de quatre sommets : le Cerro Torre, le Torre Egger, le Punta Herron, et le Cerro Standhardt.. Longtemps il fut considéré comme la montagne la plus difficile à gravir au monde. Also, going a few kilometers outside the village, you can stay in some of the traditional Patagonia Estancias that offer lodging.As with any popular tourist destination it is important to plan ahead during the peak summer season if you want to make reservations in the city or you might find fully booked hotels so make those reservations in advance. Failure to do so could lead to HACE or HAPE. "Pierrot, ce n'est qu'une petite chose que de te dédier cette voie." There is other good travel information located on the site so check it out before you go. As a finishing touch and to make a statement, he smashes the last seven bolts and leaves the compressor hanging from the face of the granite wall. There are maps, pamphlets, and interpretive displays about the region's ecology. En silence, en solo, il a encore ouvert de très belles voies. (89), Comments Lon. Some members of the climbing community disregard Maestri assertion of having reached the summit of the Torre in 1959 and consider as the first ascent the one performed by Italian climbers Casimiro Ferrari, Daniele Chiappa, Mario Conti and Guissepe Negri on the west face on January 13, 1974 (Ragni Route, 1200m., VI, A2, WI 6, 95º). The Cerro Torre is located in a four mountain chain; Cerro Torre, Torre Egger, Punta Herron, and Cerro Standhart. Large outbreaks are most often related to fecal contamination of water supplies or foods sold by street vendors .Yellow fever vaccination is recommended if you are traveling to northeastern forest areas in Argentina.As needed, booster doses for tetanus-diphtheria and measles. Cerro Torre, situé aux confins de la Patagonie en Argentine, s’élève au-dessus de la pointe méridionale de l’Argentine,  sous un ciel souvent orageux dans le parc national Los Glacieres. -49°17'34.43" S Cerise sur le gâteau son sommet est recouvert d'un champignon de glace d'une cinquantaine de mètres de hauteur. Au fond dans les nuages, Le Cerro Torre comme on a l’habitude de le voir… Nous emportons de quoi grimper plusieurs voies. Cerro Torre, Torre Egger, Punta Herron, et Cerro Standhardt. He said they had reached the top, but Egger had been caught in an avalanche in the decent from the summit and buried. Tous droits réservés. Pour atteindre ce but, Maestri emploie la technique du compresseur : il fait des trous et pose des étriers pendant huit cents mètres de parois verticales. The weather on Cerro Torre is very bad with the 7000 foot south face seeming to have the worst weather. Le dernier épisode remonte à 2012 uniquement avec la première ascension en escalade libre intégrale de la voie la plus connue, dite du compresseur ! Peut être l'une des deux montagnes les plus ardues au monde avec, dans un autre style,  le K2  dans l'Himalaya indien, selon l'avis du grand alpiniste autrichien Reinhold Messner. Yellow or orange urine indicates some level of dehydration. (7 ), Cerro Torre - home of the icy Patagonian wind, Agujas St-Exupery, Raphael & de la S (Patagonia). This is noticed more with exertion, such as walking uphill. Without photographic evidence of the ascent, Maestri’s claim that he and Egger had climbed to the summit on ice was too easy an explanation for the lack of pitons or other fixed gear noted by other parties that tried the route. Il était alpiniste et son nom reste associé à une montagne mythique de Patagonie, le Cerro Torre. It is located in a region which is disputed between Argentina and Chile, west of Fitz Roy (also known as Cerro Chaltén). Hydration: Perhaps the most important thing you can do while at altitude is drink, a lot. Patagonia is famous for its tempestuous weather. Also the already legendary weather gets worse during the off season. Climbing No. Here is the Weather page for the area but remember the weather here often has nothing to do with the weather in the mountains.Area Weather, From the CDC website about Argentina. Quand j'ai retrouvé Ludo sur le parking, lieu du rendez-vous, il était allongé à l'arrière de son camion, dévorant un bouquin, "Cerro Torre" de Reinhold Messner. If you are working really hard and sweating a lot 8 might be needed. Le Cerro Torre se caractérise par la verticalité continue de ses murs lisses de granite s'élevant en flèche et se couvrant de givre spongieux , par l'énorme champignon de glace inconsistante couvrant son sommet et par son exposition fréquente à des conditions météorologiques extrêmes . For details concerning risk and preventive medications, see Malaria Information for Travelers to Temperate South America.Rabies, pre-exposure vaccination, if you might have extensive unprotected outdoor exposure in rural areas, such as might occur during camping, hiking, or bicycling, or engaging in certain occupational activities.Typhoid vaccine. Toutes ses voies d'ascension sont d'un niveau extraordinairement difficile, d'une verticalité absolue sur un granit extrêmement compact. Maestri would later attempt the summit again in 1970 establishing the Compressor Route and smashing 70 bolts on his descent. Or: Ascension des trois sommets du massif des Torre en Patagonie (Cerro Torre, Egger et Standardt) avec répétition presque complète de la voie du "Compresseur libre" à Cerro Torre (enchaînée sauf pour une longueur) Nouvelle voie dans la face Nord de l'Arwa Spire (6193 m) dans l'Himalaya (M5/7a) Sept voies d'escalades en 8c Publications Son traitement hydrophobe StopAqua , conforme à la norme UIAA Water repellent 101, la protège d’une trop forte prise en humidité lors d’utilisations dans des conditions hostiles. Côté grimpe, on associe souvent à la Patagonie le massif d’El Chalten (Cerro Torre, Fitz Roy…) et parfois le parc national des Torres d’el Paine pour imaginer l’ensemble de la région. View Cerro Torre Image Gallery - 89 Images. Unfortunately the former coordinates were correct. Set against the backdrop of breathtaking Patagonia David Lama, climbing‘s wunderkind, sets out to climb an unfathomable route on Cerro Torre, a mountain once said to be the most difficult in the world. I have never heard about yellow fever in Argentina! Many of the ranches and other lodgings close out of season making the trip much more expensive. In the off season, during winter, some hotels close so it is also a good practice to find out in advance if there is availability. - Alcohol - Sleeping pills except Acetazolamide - Narcotic pain medications in more than modest doses Sleeping pills: Many people seem to have trouble sleeping at high altitudes and some develop disturbing breathing patters while sleeping. You probably have heard it before but drink, drink, drink. "Je veux ce que je crains et je crains ce que je veux", Corneille GRANDES VOIES EUROPE: Piémont italien: montjoy, corno stella, finale ligure, roca sbarua Arco : parois calcaires Verdon Cerces Calanques et Sainte Victoire Diois : Archiane, Glandasse, 3 becs, Ombleze Trieves :… Depuis cette montagne est restée emblématique. Drive past Lago Veidma to Rt. In May 1970, Maestri went back to the Torre in the middle of the violent Patagonian winter to shut up the disbelievers. Oui, deux… Ça m’a pris deux bouteilles d’aspirine, cette semaine, pour digérer toutes les inepties lues sur les forums anglo-américains et français à propos du Cerro Torre et de la Voie du Compresseur. Comme pour le Fitz Roy, nous avons eu la chance de l'approcher et surtout de le voir au départ de El Chalten, sur le trail de la Laguna Torre. Ces caractéristiques rendent l'ascension du Cerro Torre particulièrement difficile. Grimper autour de Patagonia / Río Gallegos (Provincia de Santa Cruz) Cerro Torre Site de voies de plusieurs longueurs intéressant pour ses voies à partir du 8a . Also Melatonin is a over the counter aid that has no contradictions while at altitude but does not help everyone. Et pourquoi se lancer un projet d’alpinisme à long terme ? © 2021 by Vincent Bournazel. Even the toughest of climbers have to take a hard long look deep inside before climbing in the conditions that Cerro Torre can dish out. The text includes general information, history, approaches, route descriptions, recommended gear, strategy and descents. Deux bouteilles d’aspirine. - Above 10,000 feet your sleeping elevation should not increase more than 1000-1500 feet per night. Il n’y a que leur parole qui en fait foi… c’est l’usage en alpinisme. While Cerro Torre is not exceptionally high there have been recorded cases of severe AMS, HACE and HAPE at much lower altitudes.} Conclusion : « Les gens sont fous avec cette montagne.Je voulais comprendre quelle était l'histoire derrière l'histoire, ce que cherchent les gens qui se lancent sur le Cerro Torre. For example, theAconcagua mountain page has the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits' asparents and is a parent itself to many routes, photos, and Trip Reports. Güemes 45493011Parques NacionalesSeccional Lago Viedma493004Mountaineering guides:Cottescu Pablo 493018Del Castillo Alberto 493017Tarditti Jorge 493013(Check out the great web site for El Chalten){It may also be possible to access the park from Chile and Puerto Natales. Typhoid fever can be contracted through contaminated drinking water or food, or by eating food or drinking beverages that have been handled by a person who is infected. Lat. Exposing yourself to higher elevations helps begin your acclimatization to that altitude but also allows your body to sleep at a safer altitude. Sa conquête du Cerro Torre est le dernier exploit en date dans la carrière remarquable de ce jeune grimpeur. Cerro Torre rises in Argentine territory at the eastern edge of the Patagonian Ice Cap 50 miles north of Chile’s Torres del Paine National Park. Cerro Torre is the tallest of these four mountains. Toutes ses voies d'ascension sont d'un niveau extraordinairement difficile, d'une verticalité absolue sur un granit extrêmement compact. Egger died in an avalanche during their descent and Maestri barely survived to tell the story. 224, page 47.In 1959, C. Maestri and T. Egger set out to reach the summit of Cerro Torre. D'Agostini campsite, near the base of Cerro Torre, is your most likely destination for any climbs on Cerro Torre but check with local guides for more specific information.How To dial Argentina: ( Phone #= country prefix 54 + El Chalten area code 2962 + phone/fax)Travel agenciesAlta MontañaLionel Terray 501 1° piso493018Chaltén TravelAv. Guido Magnone et Lionel Terray ont été les premiers à gravir le Fitz Roy en février 1952. "Money itself is worth far more than anything you could possibly buy with it. After some time, Maestri was found half buried in the snow. "The following vaccines may be recommended for your travel to Temperate South America. La presse italienne vient de relayer l’annonce faite par son fils : Cesare Maestri est mort. Puis, toujours en solo, lorsqu'il remontait les cordes fixes quelques longueurs sous le sommet du Cerro Torre, il est tombé. ", The majority of the information found in this page was located in the many web pages linked to in the text or located in the links page.The pictures posted by me were taken by Mark Horrell Mark With the help of a 180 kg. Please return to the old corrdinates and the point in the map will be at the right place again. Passe encore que certains n’apprécient pas ma prose.

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