The British capital is held in such high regard by the current populus aged between 18-30, as though it is some Millennial / Gen-Z rite of professionalism to have slung your bindle over your shoulder and marched down to Euston ready to make your fortune. Have a look at grahame park in north west London. Why on earth The Kinks decided to sing about something as boring as a Waterloo sunset I've got no idea. Well, actually, not that much more. Why is it near-impossible to read any form of news without it having at least one reference to London? Brand Enquiries: Overcrowded and doesn’t even have decent levels of service. Bills included. 1. On average, you can rent a one-bedroom apartment for £825. The daily lifestyle email from Instead I can shop for all of the same items anywhere I can get a decent internal signal. With so much to do, it's hard to narrow down the long list of reasons to visit, but below you'll find our top 10. 6) The lexicon. We're thinking of moving back and I just want to make sure we're not looking through rose-tinted retrospectacles! It’s no secret that London is one of the most incredible cities in the world to live and work in. (53 Posts) Add message | Report. The... 3. As reported by the Office for National Statistics, the average full time salary in London is £36,611, whereas the average full time salary for the rest of the UK is £29,588; split that £7,023 difference between twelve months and that gives you an extra £585.25 before tax per month to spend. Don’t believe me? Body found in search for missing student Richard Okorogheye, All My Children alum Cameron Mathison making his return to soaps with new role on General Hospital, Borat 2’s Maria Bakalova freaked out after Rudy Giuliani ‘refused’ to have Covid test ahead of infamous scene, Emmerdale star Mike Parr considered porn role after acting work dried up, The 5 worst things about living in London. Okay then. Remember many people who live in London have not lived here their whole lives and know both the merits and downsides of the capital … “Oh but you’d earn more if you moved to London”, I hear you say. However, I just do not … No way number one it's just a bunch of yuppies everywhere. An Ontario Historical Plaque was erected by the province to commemorate The Eldon House's role in Ontario's heritage. It’s easy to pop abroad for the weekend. Eclectic Boroughs. 7) The soul destroying trauma of tackling the Tube with anything bigger than a satchel. The London Dungeon has late openings one Friday each month, so why not enjoy a few scares and a cocktail? Now you know why I want to live in London all this while. I’ve seen so many articles which suggest wearing makeup to shield your skin from the dirt wafting in the wind, but frankly I would like to have the option of going makeup free should I so wish, without the fear of my pores being packed full of even more impurities. Each one with its own history and story to tell. OMaLittle Mon 20-Dec-10 21:31:17. Residents love the escape from the city life that Blackheath gives them. I really don’t care about your latest breakfast cafe, kale and soya milk smoothie pop-up or a bakery selling quinoa based muffins. £20 for a double Bacardi and Coke? Sure you’re cool and unique London, but please calm down the blatant attention seeking behaviour. For a lot of people,... First of all I'm not entirely sure I can call this a MAFS review. However, I just do not buy it. 5. I’m just sayin’, before moving to the big city, consider those coins y’all. The city of endless creativity. London has transport covered, both inside and out. 2018 - Bermondsey, South East London. If you are thinking of moving there, we’ve come up with 10 reasons why it is such a great place for its inhabitants…not that you’ll need any more reasons! Just stop it. The phrase ‘London W*nker’ was coined for a reason – because those who move there start using terms like “jump on a call”, “touch base offline”, “square the circle” and “idea shower” (I’m cringing so hard just writing these…how do people actually say them with a straight face?). Living in London is a great experience, but just being here won’t suddenly make your life an endless amazing adventure. It’s a mixing pot of cultures. Sure it’s the capital, and yes it has some decent artsy stuff and some pretty swanky food places but for the majority of us who don’t actually live in London it can get a bit tiresome to hear about it non-stop. And if you ever find yourself stuck, you can always start with London’s pub culture. They are public places for people to gather, eat, and drink. I genuinely enjoy being in my car, belting out my tunes, chatting with my loved ones, wacthing the scenery go past (NB my enjoyment of driving does not equate to enjoying being sat in traffic – any wait over ten minutes and the drive goes from enjoyable to enraging pretty damn quickly) but the congestion charges along with the lack of parking, endless jams and unapologetically combative fellow drivers make driving in London an almost Herculian task best avoided where possible. Jeez. As is similar in the majority of the world’s busiest cities, loneliness is a very prominent and very real problem in London. Living in London means getting used to the traffic, the noise, the pollution, but will all those pros of living in Londo being said, if I cant a career change, there are courses there are jobs, the switch is easy, if I want to live away from the central London, there are places in London that offer peace and quiet and still allow you to be in the center of the city within 30 minutes. You get on the Tube and boom, three minutes later you’re clammy, your forehead is glistening with sweat and your once perfect ponytail is now framed by a frizz halo. When I moved to London, i knew it would be an adjustment to living in england and London life. 3) Too many people. I really could go on, but I can hand on heart say I have no desire to move to London. When did this ever become acceptable? I like a happy medium between being able to go about my day without being trampled by a throng of commuters, and feeling as though there is a group of people to whom I am connected, not only through a geographic conincidence but also a common interest in our hometown. Here’s a peek at some of those reasons: 1) The cost. OP’s posts: See next | See all Add message | Report | See all. There were 7,000 pubs in London at last count. You need to really think about why you want to come here and what you want to do. London is a notoriously expensive place to live – so if you’re moving to the capital on a budget, Bexley is the best option for you. I know it’s tough to say whether it’s worth living in London or not, as everyone is different. The furor is not helped by the people tutting and rolling their eyes when they have to move half a foot to their left to make room for your case – sorry that I have belongings that I sometimes need to take with me places, what an awful person that must make me. Want your nice new shoes to stay stain and scuff free? Eldon House is the former residence of the prominent Harris Family and oldest surviving such building in London. The National History Museum is open until 22:00 on the last Friday of the month and the National Gallery is open until 21:00 each and every Friday, so there is a lot of late-night culture to take in. You have a shower in the morning, you do your hair, you may even put on a smattering of makeup. Policing Women: Has nothing changed in 100 years? Fuck you, Ray Davies. Is it worth living in London? In fact, London’s economy, as it is never tires of boasting, props up the whole of the UK – and grows at twice the national rate. London is a diverse and exciting city with some of the world's best sights, attractions and activities. Workers travelling to their jobs in London spend an average of £305 month on commuting, which sees a mighty chunk of that ‘extra’ income disintegrating pretty swiftly. General Enquiries: First things first: London is a beast of a city. We'll probably be in SE23 or Hackney. By the way, you live in the capital of the country, not the world bbz. Pros and cons of living in London. 4) That said, I would miss the lack of community. It sprawls and swallows up once-distinct villages in its wake. Well you won’t be wearing them in London pal. We have collected the most popular and strange, across the world web. Also, if money is an issue and you don’t mind living elsewhere in the UK, Edinburgh is a beautiful city with great universities and a … In fact some of us don’t want to join at all. Pick up any regional newspaper and you’re guaranteed to read of at least three major companies moving their head office to your nearest town. If it’s not from Yorkshire, it’s SHITE, seriously though, that map was hysterical, LOVE IT, we’re all still tribal, GB is a beautiful place, and I thank GOD, that i’m not from Birmingham, Holy sh…, why do they sound so thick. Pubs are to London what community centers are to some other cities. Via Flickr: 33278177@N00 If you live in London and hate it, tell me why! Stop it. Wash your face after a day in London and the soot splattered basin does not make for a pretty sight. As of Oct. 2020, the unemployment rate in London is at about 6.3%. But the fundamental cost of living in London is so expensive that most people can’t actually afford to enjoy the city they work so hard for and pay so much to live in. 24. Not too far from Peckham, Bermondsey won top place the following year. 8) The sweatiness of the Tube. Contributor Enquiries: The entire property was donated to the city of London in 1959 and is now a heritage site. Divided into 6 concentric “zones” like a bullseye, most of the city’s action is in Zones 1 and 2, but I only know a few people lucky enough to live a stroll from their office. This was the biggest estate in Europe before they started knocking down some of the 300+ blocks that are there. Whether you're nominated or simply want to join in the fun, come along on the 6th December for the House... We don’t want to let Coronavirus stop all the fun, so instead of our monthly meet-ups, we’re going to host... Login to Comment or Create Your Own Blog Post, Pop a Letter in Our Mail Bag In the same period, there were 235,460 cases of violence against a person, 87,604 burglaries, and 43,286 drug offenses, among others. If you haven’t complained either about the cost of living, crime, the Tube or tourists in the last 15 minutes then you’ve quite possibly lost the ability to speak. It truly is the land of opportunity. Being a Mum at Christmas: Is the Pressure Too Much? The UK’s capital is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. Call me childish but I quite like walking past people and seeing a few smiles here and there. You can't fail to be excited by London… 10) Not being able to drive. So does the rest of the country, and I won’t have to fork out the price of a rental deposit for a three-bedroom house in order to go watch a musical. Although it might feel like you are not in London anymore, the bustling city centre is no more than 25 minutes away by public transportation. London is a wonderful place to live. The Transportation Hub. Well: money. Contrary to popular belief, life does go on outside of the ‘big smoke’ and in fact the rest of us aren’t all biding our time until we join the rest of you London folk. When I lived outside of London I would always travel to London in search of new spots to explore, which is why, despite my excitement to travel abroad there is still so much I want to see and do in London. Its efficiency, pragmatism, blending of cultures and embedded history, keep you coming back for more. I want to pick berries and wander into a world that takes you back in time. I’ll stick to living in a part of the country where my snot is clear the way it should be. Although this sounds expensive, when you compare it to the average price of a one-bedroom apartment (£950 – 1,300) in London, it’s an absolute steal. Alright, I hope that now you are more aware of the pros and cons of living in London. So why wouldn’t someone live in London? image – oseillo. If you do your research and manage your expectations then living in London … Full of character, Bermondsey has trendy markets, a range of bars, restaurants and shops, and cultural opportunities like the White Cube Gallery and Fashion and Textile Museum. Opportunities don’t start and end in London, and I for one won’t be sucked into sacrificing my rural quality of life any time soon. MORE : 18 ways living in London changes you. MORE : The 5 worst things about living in London. There’s an ever ubiquitous millennial snobbery targeted at those in their twenties who’ve made the decision not to live in London. Death and drugs are more than a day to day occurrence, especially when armed police are not available. There are many answers to this question and everyone has his favorite. I want to capture the beauty of its hidden palaces and fixate on the beauty of the mossy green ivy snaking its way through the grounds. As much as I like my personal space, I’d hate to become completely anonymous in the very place I exist. Constant gridlock, cramped and full of road works. Whilst that sum might sound considerably chunky, bear in mind that the avergae cost of travelling to work in London is almost double the average commute cost in the rest of the UK, at 47p per mile compared to 24p per mile. The most common crime in Greater London is theft, with nearly 260,000 cases between June 2018 and June 2019. London is considered a very safe place to live, however, like in any city, bad things can happen. There is something quite comforting about blowing my nose and not having so much dirt come flying out that I could be mistaken as a chimney sweeper during the Victorian age. Yet apparently I’m missing out because I can drive to work in under 30 minutes, and not have to spend hours in standstill traffic. When I'm not hosting House 21 brunches, you'll find me either running my marketing business, horse riding, playing piano or reading. I know everyone bangs on about how expensive London is, but it is as if I get off the train at Euston and twenty pound notes fly out of my purse, never to be seen again. Thanks to the miraculous invention that is online shopping I don’t need to sacrifice my limbs trying to battle the crowds of Oxford Street to have a decent shopping experience. If the area is cheap – that’s because people generally don’t want to settle down there (because of various reasons). London is not an easy place to live without an income, though there are some potential public support programs that ease the burden. When you live in London, you’ll never want to leave. Remind me once again why I should abandon normal fairly-priced public transport in order to be shuttled around in an expensive cramped little metal box? When you live in London, you feel like you are truly a part of this world. With 11 underground lines covering 402km, the streets of London are your oyster. In contrast, London is most definitely the land of extinct smiles, but I guess if I had to sell my kidney on the black market to afford my rent I probably wouldn’t be chirpy either. For those living in supposedly the greatest city in the world you sure do whinge a fair bit. It’s hard not to find something to do in London. Why bother? We’ve delivered articles in the past couple of months on both Dubai and Malta and the reasons why both would be a great place to live and work. But, work reason is not the only motivation why people should live in London. The irony of London is that everyone moves here because there is so much excitement and so many things to do. The City of London Corporation was not reformed by the Municipal Corporations Act 1835, because it had a more extensive electoral franchise than any other borough or city; in fact, it widened this further with its own equivalent legislation allowing one to become a freeman without being a liveryman. This “village” consists mainly of Georgian style properties worth an average of £546,119, which is 8.7% below the London average. Saving whilst living in London is also near enough impossible. In fact, I’d rather spend the same amount somewhere else and I could probably rent an entire castle. I understand that there are tourists everywhere, but how is it possible for there to be a standard 20-minute wait to get served in Pret at 11am on a Sunday morning? Trying to fit your own body into a Tube carriage anywhere in Zone 1 is stressful enough, let alone when you have a suitcase. I always come away from London having spent nearly half of my disposable income for that month with very little to show for it apart from the flaccidity of my once monetarily stocked pockets. There are... 2. Sure London has excellent theatre productions, but guess what? There’s an ever ubiquitous millennial snobbery targeted at those in their twenties who’ve made the decision not to live in London. 9) The streets are not paved with gold, they are paved with dirt. A studio apartment in central London can cost you £1,200/month, but splitting a 2-3 bedroom flat can bring your rent down to £500-750/month. The number of white British people in the capital fell by 620,000 - equivalent to the entire population of Glasgow moving out. 5) The tap water tastes foul. Astonishingly in 2015 there are opportunities all over the country, and not just confined to the almighty London. When you’re away from London, you’ll long to return. DisparityCausesInstability Mon 20-Dec-10 21:53:08. The British capital is held in such high regard by the current populus aged between 18-30, as though it is some Millennial / Gen-Z rite of professionalism to have slung your bindle over your shoulder and marched down to Euston ready to make your fortune. Londoners may get a bad rep for being rude, moany and unsociable sometimes but the city and its people aren’t all that bad. The summary. Okay I get that if you live in London you’re living in the capital, but there is no need to get all Hunger Games about it and look at everyone else like they’re a peasant from a destitute region. Top 10 London attractions. Women’s History Month: 4 Must-Read Biographies, 1st November Back to basics: Writing a successful blog post. Sorry, but I’d rather not pay over £1,000 a month for the privilege of living in a little shoebox, with no garden and shared a kitchen with at least five other people at the edge of zone 5. Moving to London: 10 Reasons for Living in London 1. Realistically, when the average monthly rent is now £1,500 and the average wage just under £26,000, you’re probably not going to be too keen on splashing out 80 … 1. Trigger warning: This article will contain discussion of murder, rape, victim blaming and sexual assault. If you haven’t complained either about the cost of living, crime, the Tube or tourists in the last 15 minutes then you’ve quite possibly lost the ability to speak. Musical opportunity is not the only thing here—the entire city is awash with so much creativity that seems to follow you everywhere you go. Now we are turning our attention to our very own city LONDON, and why we think it’s a fantastic place to progress your career. Call me absolutely delirious and potty, but believe it or not I actually enjoy the idea of having some form of money left over, which I can slide into a savings account to be used for important things like travelling (not to London), 90s Rugrats memorabilia and sushi-making classes. The inability to go anywhere without other people being present is a feeling I find suffocating even I’m just visiting for a short while. However, the general rule in London is that good places, where everyone wants to live, are expensive. I visit London frequently for both social and professional purposes and although I enjoy it on the most part, there are some key reasons why I know that I do not want to move there – not now and not ever. Toxic Positivity: Don’t tell me to cheer up, Gender Reveal Parties Are Not Worth the Hype. Probably cheaper to get a late deal and actually fly to Cuba to get drunk at those prices. Because London is an expensive city with high rent, most students (and many people in their 20s and 30s) live in a shared flat. How is this even a thing? As one of the most diverse and inclusive cities in the world, Londoners are very accepting of everyone in my experience. It's super close to popular central areas of London and is especially handy if you work in the City. Many believe that such an assertion is on par with saying ‘I have no desire for career progression or a bangin’ social life’ but, honestly, these can be achieved outside of the British capital. But then this is why … Despite the millions of people all living in the same city, statistics show that loneliness in London, including a lack of community feeling, is at an all time high. The difference here is it's not gang crime, it's the people with no will to live but the courage to have shoot outs with police. Fuck you, Ray Davies. 2) The pollution. Alright, now it’s time to wrap it up and summarise whether it’s worth to live in London or not. 1. You might think this is a frivolous point, but watch even more of those pounds drain ceaslessly from your bank account when you have to shed out for bottled water every day. … It’s really easy to picture yourself living in London and becoming really arty and intellectual with your free time, knowing where all the best restaurants are, visiting the V&A every time there is a guest exhibition and, of course, going to the theatre, a lot.

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why not live in london

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