It's a smart move -- Tessio was always smarter. Tom -- can you get me off the hook? So the next day, my father went to see him; only this time with Luca Brasi. Sure I do. blood. You. Fabrizio, Vitelli, and other, men emerge from the cafe. KAY Why didn't you come to me first? Tessio and Tom leave the house. Maybe one of the Five Families, maybe. Chauffeurs open car doors to let mourners out, including that old man who sang "Luna, Mezz'o Mare" at Connie's wedding reception. should tell your Don what everyone seems to know... Ah, I didn't tell Mama anything. on your own. Use these drones in all keys to practice and perfect your intonation while playing scales arpeggios and as well as other exercises and pieces played in the corresponding keys. If your father were in better health, without his eldest son running, things, no disrespect intended, we wouldn't have this nonsense. Sollozzo. This fat slob's still bettin' the Yankees pretty heavy? The Don and Tattaglia embrace as the others applaud], CUT TO: Inside the car where the Don and Tom are sitting in the rear -night, When I meet with the Tattaglia people, should I insist that all his drug middlemen have. He, When -- when did I ever refuse an accommodation? We saw some real beauties, One of them struck our friend like a thunderbolt], CALO (after Vitelli laughs, looking at Michael), [In Italian: She would tempt the devil himself], VITELLI (gesturing "put together" with his fingers), [Something like, in Italian: Ah, I understand -- really put together...], [In Italian: Really put together, eh Calo? ACADEMY AWARDS BEST PICTURE* WINNERS (*originally known as Best Production) 1960 - Present Part 2 : Note: Oscar® and Academy Awards® and Oscar® design mark are the trademarks and service marks and the Oscar© statuette the copyrighted property, of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.This site is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and … Times are changing for the worse, -- Eh -- This place has become too dangerous for you -- I don't think you're safe here. And Fredo -- well --, -- Fredo was -- well -- But I never -- I never wanted this for you. -night, [there's a loud crash heard OS from outside the house], SANDRA (as the baby, Santino Jr, starts to cry), [Sonny searches for and finds his gun from a drawer], SONNY (to Sandra, at the door, after hearing knocking), There's more news about your old man. Why don't you cut out the crap. Begin by tuning your instrument using the A major or other corresponding drone. For Ol' Times' sake. Let's face it, Tom, and all due respect. Who else is on the list? and this is Michael Corleone], [Apollonia shakes Michael's hand, accepts his gift, and looks at her mother who, nods, giving her permission to open it. The kid's clean, Captain. I want you to arrange a meeting. I am Enzo, the baker -- Do you remember me? [The Don, markedly upset and angry, gestures that they leave him alone. They embrace Michael, then kiss his hand.'s a lot of bad blood. And watch out for the kids while you're backin' out. He immersed himself in the music and voodoo cultures of New Orleans, where he became known as Mac Rebennack , playing the organ in strip-clubs with 'make-up' bands in the French Quarter. My youngest son -- was, (then, as he stands, with Tom's assistance), -- because of this Sollozzo business. Ya'know, if we go to my father's house --. I have to go to the bathroom. She was the light of my life -- beautiful girl. Vito is in bed, holding cards and presents given to him. The Don goes out to meet and hug, Johnny, and they, and other guests, toast. There's all kinds of stories. Well, then, business will have to suffer, alright? Clean it up! It's been two years; he's probably in trouble again. Why do you come to me? [Tom looks up, as if knowing what Sonny's up to], CUT TO: Michael and Kay's table at the reception, MICHAEL (with Kay, gets tapped in the head by Fredo), Fredo -- my brother Fredo -- this is Kay Adams, (then, after Fredo kisses Kay on the cheek), CUT TO: Johnny Fontane in the Don's office. I'm with you now. The, police protected you; and there were courts of law. But uh. Gimme three. (then, after slapping Johnny on the face), (then, after slapping Johnny on the face), What's the matter with you? I want you to rest a while. Look -- I'm trying to tell you you're wrong! Sonny jumps back as though goosed. Hey, a hundred button men on the street twenty-four hours a day; that Turk, (then, to Michael, whose face is bruised from McCluskey's punch). [Kay leaves the room to fix Michael a drink. It would be disastrous. Let's go! Anybody know this joint? It -- makes -- it doesn't make any difference to me what a man does for a living, understand. I'll drive to you...], MICHAEL (after seeing Fabrizio hurry through the gate), [The car that Apollonia is in blows up and Michael is thrown into the bushes], ***EXTRA SCENE FROM THE EPIC, TRILOGY & SAGA: Michael, in shock, is lying in, bed as Apollonia's mother wipes his forehead with a washcloth. Come on, Nancy -- keep together, everyone. I have a special practice; I handle one client -- Now you have my number; I'll wait for your. 12 Étude Opus 10 No. This site uses cookies: Find out more. Then he begins to exit], CUT TO: Bonasera, frightened, waiting by an elevator at his funeral parlor -night, This is Tom Hagen. Michael smokes as the others eat. He says for you two to go on. Sonny hangs up. Ten years ago could I have gotten to him? But uh -- there. -day, [Something like, in Italian: What happened to your eye... (more)], [Something like, in Italian: No - no - it's okay... (more)]. Tell Fredo to drive the big car... outside now. Yeah, I left it noisy -- that way it scares any pain-in-the-ass innocent bystanders away. Uh, his business is narcotics. Also, some of the judges. DISSOLVE TO: Corleone gate. Had, you come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering. - daigo guinea WOP greaseball gumbahs come out of the woodwork! I hope Mike can get us a good deal tonight. Perhaps uh -- convince some of your friends in the movies to do the same. Oh, Michael, wait a minute; he's coming over here... My brother, Tom Hagen -- this is Kay Adams. Well that's an accident, but nobody was hurt... (then, after taking a letter from her pocket and handing it to him). I told you I can handle it, I'll handle it. Don Corleone -- you once said that the day would come when Tessio and me could form our. Outside, Michael gets picked up by Tessio, and they, [The Mattresses sequence, as we hear ragtime music being played:], DISSOLVE TO: newspaper stack showing headline: "Police Hunt Cop Killer", DISSOLVE TO: newspaper headline: "City Cracks Down", DISSOLVE TO: Tessio by a lamp working on a crossword puzzle, DISSOLVE TO: The Sun headline: "Police Captain Linked With Drug Rackets", DISSOLVE TO: Clemenza seated on a cot, starting to lie down, DISSOLVE TO: buttonmen seated around table eating -day, PAN RIGHT to piano player (who's playing the music we hear) -day, DISSOLVE TO: The Daily Mirror: "Mobster Barzini Questioned in Underworld Feud", DISSOLVE TO: buttonman writing a letter, sitting on a mattress, DISSOLVE TO: buttonmen at table passing food -day, DISSOLVE TO: newspaper photo of police overlooking a dead body in a bar, DISSOLVE TO: piano player's hands with overlaid newspaper photos, DISSOLVE TO: buttonman standing with back to camera. He's smarter than I am. ], VITELLI (gesturing an ideal female form with his hands), [In Italian: Ah, he girls around here are beautiful -- but virtuous, ah? And then I'll meet with Don Barzini -- and. He's never been busted for the rackets... What's the Turk paying you to set up my father, Captain? I gotta kick asses sometimes to make it run right. Christopher Plummer. But won't they take that as a sign of weakness? A man, holding flowers seems to be looking for a room]. Sonny, Clemenza, Tessio and Rocco are, sitting around, eating Chinese food while waiting for news about where the Sollozzo, meeting will take place. Connie gets out, arguing with her mother who's. I'm. No, I'm just going to the hospital to see Pop, Aw, he'll be alright -- Sollozzo knows he's a civilian, CUT TO: Michael goes to the city, driven by bodyguards -early evening, DISSOLVE TO: Kay's hotel room. Well, if I accepted that -- in a court of law they could prove that I have knowledge of his. NEW ALBUM + EXCLUSIVE SHORT FILM. honor. I want -- all inquiries made. Wait a minute -- you took Freddie in because the Corleone Family bankrolled your casino --, because the Molinari Family on the Coast guaranteed his safety. 01355 - … This one time [Michael points his finger] -- this one time I'll let you ask me about, KAY (after a sigh of relief and Michael kisses and hugs her). I will! it's not the way I wanted things to go at all. You look terrible. In about three hours he'll be released with our proposition --, [Sonny checks his watch, then writes the time onto the kitchen cabinet], SOLLOZZO'S VOICE (over the phone, continues). Luca never sleeps over with a broad -- he always goes home when he's through... Well, Tom -- you're consiglieri, now what do we do if the old man dies, God forbid. I don't care how many -. then they would become my enemies. It's strictly business. CUT TO: pan of exterior of Woltz' estate, music is a variation of the Title Theme, then we, see the interior of Woltz' bedroom. want all of that chicken cacciatore for you, sweetheart? From the room comes music as Fredo waltzes in. Listen, wait for me outside in front of the hospital. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for The Godfather by Nino Rota arranged by philbob1409 for Piano (Solo) ... Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for The Godfather by Nino Rota arranged by philbob1409 for Piano (Solo) Piano. CUT TO: Villa courtyard. You guinea brat you! Hey, hey, hey, take me to the America, G.I.! Alright? Rocco is preparing his machine gun. Now, CONNIE (to Kay, after Kay puts her arms around her). Rocco shoots Paulie, three times as we hear a variation of the "Title Theme" music], CUT TO: Outdoors, outside the Don's kitchen, Michael is sitting on a bench. RIP Dr John. bells ring. Everybody did. But let's be frank here: you. Hey, Paulie, I thought I told you to stay put. Then you throw in some tomatoes, tomato paste, you fry it; ya make sure it doesn't, stick. Johnny, Johnny! -- Listen to everything he has to say before you do anything. Yeah. Barzini walking, stepping out a cigarette. Vitelli looks irate], Fabrizio--traducce per me [translate for me]. Pauses to lean on railing as he smokes. airport; Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately. (then, once Connie picks up a butcher knife), Yeah yeah -- come on now, kill me. Kay leads a group of children into schoolyard. Get out here! What do you want with me after all this time? For years I paid my people extra so they wouldn't do that kind, [Tattaglia whispers something to his aide], -- Somebody comes to them and says, "I have powders; if you put up three, four thousand, dollar investment -- we can make fifty thousand distributing." SONNY (to Sandra, who's holding the crying Santino Jr). They went free that very day! Get out here! We'll need'em now. 7 votes. Clemenza is showing Michael the gun he's to use -day, It's as cold as they come -- impossible to trace, so you don't worry about prints, Mike. CUT TO: Hotel. I think you and I can do, business. this -- Hollywood bigshot's gonna give you what you want. Cicci ascending steps. ], [In Italian: Stop bothering me with this rich America stuff! In nomine Patri -- et Filii -- et Spiritus Sancti -- Amen [in the From the elevator, two men carry a, stretcher forward. If your father dies. Behind. Do you believe in the Holy Ghost -- the Holy Catholic Church? Gunman opens the door, Moe puts glasses on, gets shot in one eye. Put your hand in your pocket like you have a gun. I'm not moving until you put some guards around my father's room. She pushes the door open, revealing Sonny in an, embrace with her. Have a little brandy -- that'll help sweat it out. What's done is done. Apollonia, laughing, is trying to drive the, car almost hitting the short walls. Paulie was out sick. Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer whose Symphony 5 is a beloved classic. nobody knows where -- and we're gonna catch the hell. You lousy bastard -- you killed my husband! Now who approached you? La stessa storia! Why? And if Tattaglia agrees, then I'm willing. Paper Chase, The (1973) 1973 . I swore that I would never break the peace. After, the car pulls away, we hear the Title Theme music as they walk through the mall. CUT TO: Later, Tom and Woltz walking around Woltz' estate. Tell Mike it was only business. Okay, thanks [The Don, weakly standing, goes to embrace Tom. The traffic in drugs will be permitted, but controlled -- and Don. Rocco pats him then exits]. His father is in the, bed, and Michael wonders if he's alive. 8 votes. I always liked him. Get out here! You understand? All the Five Families would come after you, Sonny. Let -- let the smoke clear -- Pop can negotiate. Tom, this is business and this man is taking it very very. Nightbird & Company: Cosmic Connections Presented By The Us Army Reserve, Desitively Bonnaroo / Unconditionally Guaranteed, Teaches New Orleans Piano And The Roots Of Rock - Lesson Five, Teaches New Orleans Piano And The Roots Of Rock - Lesson Two, Teaches New Orleans Piano And The Roots Of Rock - Lesson One. I wanna hit New York sometime this. And what is the interest for the Tattaglia Family? [Outside, a car, sounding its horn, pulls up; Sollozzo goes to talk to them, and. Make that first thing on your list, understand? Save it for the library -- Come on, we got to go pick up my sister -- let's go. She lets down, CUT TO: Corleone main gate. many men he had killed with Carlo? I'm talking about a cop -- that's mixed up in drugs. Instead, you come into my house on the day my daughter is to be married, and you uh ask me to do. What the hell are you doing here? Ah, Get me, ah, Long Beach-4-5620, please... (then, to nurse, who was leaving the room). it's a public place -- a bar, a restaurant -- some place where there's people so I feel safe. Listen, you drive him and you pick him up after the job, okay? Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your daugh-- ter's wedding... (then, after realizing he messed up his rehearsed lines, he fails to recover), ...on the day of your daughter's wedding. FADE FROM BLACK: Int. [What the hell is she up to now,] this little guinea brat... CUT TO: Kitchen, where Connie is breaking dishes. orphan before he's born or what? Once fallen and dead, a hitman comes up and shoots him from very close range, stops, then, kicks him in the head. [Enzo, very scared, takes out a cigarette and has trouble lighting it with his Zippo, lighter. Anthony is startled, and starts to, (then, after picking up Anthony then setting him down again), [Anthony runs through the tomato garden, laughing, with the spray can. The negotiator keeps on playing cards until Mike comes back safe and sound. We had a little. I heard you are not happy -- with the Corleone, [Luca doesn't shake. But do what I beg you to do. I thought you weren't going to become a man like your, My father's no different than any other powerful man --. Buttonman is putting luggage into the rear of the car. Rich Madigan for some corrections in the Latin. -day, DISSOLVE TO: Las Vegas hotel. Just let your hand drop to your side, and let the gun slip, out. Michael, Calo, and Fabrizio are, DISSOLVE TO: They walk on a terraced hillside. The Godfather's sick, right? Michael's, sitting at his desk with Neri behind him. Eh, come here; come here; come here; come here, come here; come here; come here... (then smashes camera, which Paulie kicks, and flips cash to him) [music ends], He was captured by the American army. About This Music Sheet. We know that he's alright, but that's all. He walks around, the corner up to Room #2 and hesitates before he pushing the door open. Ya try -- 309 West 43rd Street. Fredo! That part is perfect for him; it'll make him a big star. They descend steps. I don't like to use his name unless it's really necessary. I'd also like to thank a wonderful group of people who Is this how you turned out? VITO CORLEONE (after Bonasera kisses his hand). Michael walks over to it], [Michael helps Tommasino out of the car as Apollonia runs over and kisses him], [In Italian: Michael is teaching me to drive -- watch, I'll show you], [Tommasino smiles at her, as she runs back to the car], [In Italian: Young people don't respect anything anymore. My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse. And within an hour, he signed a release, for a certified check for $1,000. It's perfect for us. Hah? OVERLAY of newspaper headline: "Third Month of Gangland Violence" over: DISSOLVE TO: pot of spaghetti being dumped into an outside trash can -day, DISSOLVE TO: newspaper with Vito Corleone's picture, with the headline: "Syndicate Big, DISSOLVE TO: Exterior of hospital. I love you with all-a my heart! Well, when Johnny was first starting out, he was signed to this personal service contract; with a big band leader. When we make our move there, you're gonna be my right-, Tom Hagen's no longer Consiglieri -- He's gonna be our lawyer in Vegas. Tom, wait a minute. Now you wanna gun down a police captain, why, because he slapped ya in, the face a little bit? And you stood Godfather to our baby -- you lousy cold-hearted bastard. CUT TO: Family portrait scene in the yard [the clinking glasses have stopped] -day, MICHAEL (as he goes to get Kay for the photo). It's an old habit. ], MICHAEL (putting his hand on Tommasino's chest), [In Italian: Bad news -- from America. Huh? are resting under a tree. Rocco is greeted by a man who gets a gun. Why don't you bring your whore home for dinner? [they shake hands, Nazorine turns to leave], NAZORINE (now by the door with Tom Hagen), An' wait til you see the beautiful wedding cake I made for your daughter! Blanche -- Okay, all right... (then, when Kay notices Michael standing beside his Cadillac). [In Italian: They're dead from vendettas. We don't know yet. Eh! Not a Sicilian, but -- I think he's gonna be consiglieri. we have a life together -- that we have children. This document is copyright ©1972 Paramount Pictures. I don't want his mother to see him, (then, after the Don uncovers the blanket, revealing Sonny's mangled face, shaken), CUT TO: Tommasino's Villa Courtyard, Sicily. (then, after the waiter nods, opens the bottle and pours the wine), Lassa-i ["leave it alone/forget about it"], [Sounds like, in Italian: "What happened to your father was business -- I have much respect, for your father -- but your father -- his thinking is old fashioned. Now, you understand? Hey hey hey hey hey, wait! [Michael returns to the Don's room, at his bedside. "], What I want -- what's most important to me -- is that I have a guarantee: No more attempts, What guarantees could I give you, Mike? Gotta get Sollozzo. [OS: Screaming of joy from the party outside], CUT TO: Outside, Johnny Fontane enters the party, signing autographs, CONNIE (while running up to Johnny, then hugging him), CUT TO: Don's office. -evening, I'm glad you came, Mike. DISSOLVE TO: Cemetery. Carlo is seated on a stoop with two men. Three years old, he can read the funny papers, Oh -- well -- eh, I want you to arrange to have a telephone man check all the calls that go in, MICHAEL (reaching over, touching his father). And then they would fear you. Aw, you're telling me that the Tattaglia's guarantee our investment? We could put a tail on them and see how it turns out... Sollozzo'd lose our ass going around the block! Clemenza garrotes Carlo, who gets pulled back and kicks his feet, at the windshield, which breaks as the car takes off. I need a million dollars in, cash. And why? -- nobody wants bloodshed anymore. You waited until Papa died so nobody. I want you to go tonight; I want you to talk to this -- movie bigshot, and settle this business. MICHAEL One in Italy, one here. -day, CUT TO: Carlo's house. Now you just go outside and enjoy yourself, and ah, forget about all this nonsense. I want you to eat. Hey, Paulie, I want you to go down 39th Street -- Carlo Santos -- you pick up 18 --. by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola He had all the judges and politicians in his pocket. And at that meeting, you'll be assassinated. And a. little bit o' wine. I've tried to make this the most accurate transcript of The Godfather available, Priest dips his hand in more oil, signs the cross on the baby's forehead. He starts to, fall, grabs for a plant, then falls to the ground. Luca Brasi held a gun to his head, and my father assured him that either his brains -- or his signature -- would be on the contract. (then, after Tom hands Michael a set of contracts), See, Johnny -- see we figure that entertainment will be a big factor in drawing gamblers to. I am the hunted one! They enter], CUT TO: At a table in Louis' Italian Restaurant. (then, after Tom exits to bring Luca into the Don's office). Times have changed. -- I asked Freddy if he wants me to get a different bodyguard and he said "no. MICHAEL (who is now seated behind the desk), There are things being negotiated now that are gonna solve all your problems and answer all. Tessio greets them. He's a war hero. Well that's bad luck for me. I work my whole life, I, don't apologize, to take care of my family. screams Oh God! Sonny'll come after you with everything he's got. Or my boy to, me? take me to the America, G.I.! In the first year, your end should be three- four-million dollars. And I'm gonna run him out of the business, and let me tell you why. I had the unspoken support of the, other Family Dons. You know you got to stop them at the beginning, like they should have stopped Hitler at Munich, They should never've let him get away with, that. Things may get rough with the move we're trying. DISSOLVE TO: Sicilian countryside. But I wept. Sit down, Johnny -- I want to talk to you. Go to the ah Tattaglia's, uh, and ah, make them think that ah you're --. We hear "Sicilian Pastorale." Hey, Mike! You touch -- my sister again, I'll kill ya. After the hospital thing, Sonny got mad. That's an infamia. And uh, you were afraid to be in my debt. The Godfather Theme. They wanna have a meeting with me, right? Kay turns her head to watch, them. I need a man who has powerful friends. Mixed Ensemble. CUT TO: Revolving door. [In Italian: Come on! I'd also like to acknowledge Nathan Salmon who Well, that's it. That's the key for him. No... wanna send some bodyguards with him -- alright? Johnny Fontane never gets that movie.

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