But then, Jews came along and took control of the Memory and Narrative; the result has been total sacralization of the Negroes and total vilification of whitey, especially Southern whitey. He lived on a street full of heroin addicts & crack dealers in a grimy rustbelt city. Even a hill seems pretty high in the plains. First of all, the bible was written for men, and men only, what this verse says is that adultery is committed when a man has sex with a woman who is married to another man. Lowest common denominators emphasise what is held most in common. White women went from having 4 children on average to less than 2 . It wasn’t great. Regardless whether you were Socialist, conservative or liberal (classic British), your nation came first. They also cannot swim worth a damn. I thought they were garbage. Growing up where I did, I came to know a number of people who had been to the penitentiary. Watch Trejo’s performances especially that film he did with his old friend and fellow convict, who wrote it and played a lead in it, and with a remarkable cameo by Mickey Rourke. Perhaps… perhaps NOT! My buddy ended up in the pokey overnight in a Edinburgh jail while we were over there. When the screws come to search your basement cell. And this, really is what bites deep down because you know you turned your back on your own nation and civilization. Some scenes drag, and the use of slow motion is about as annoying as teeth scraping against a concrete curb. Greatness. While in prison, Derek immediately allies with the Aryan Brotherhood gang. Yes, America is a very, very strange place, but is it really any more strange than anywhere else. Rushbots are not going to just walk on their belief in free markets. There is a sense of place, a sense of belonging. Yeah nigga, I’m a 59 year old white working man. The Modal NYT Subscriber's Reaction to Today's Capitol Hill Attack, CMP Update: World's Top 10 Militaries of 2021, Her Name Is Julie Eberly, a White Mother of Six, Murdered in a "Road Rage Incident Gone Wrong" by a Black Male, Black Male Filming Anti-Violence Gun Video for Netflix in Philadelphia Shot and Killed, Her Name Is Lucia Whalen Bremer: 13-Year-Old White Girl Murdered in Broad Day Light in Richmond, VA Suburb By Black Male, The Current Model of Western Civilization as Fundamentally Luciferian, What They Are Not Telling You About Elite Education, Sir Richard Francis Burton: Explorer, Linguist, Race Realist. Those people will fight at the drop of a sombrero. Daily updates on best rap blog catalogue. But, the laws are so strict and the punishments are so severe in other parts of the World, that there is no need to have so many prisons. Was not aware of Manson being raised in Kentucky. A couple of kindergartners get into a slap fight and the police are called, charges filed, and the parents are fined or jailed or both. . Is it to further enrage whites and make us know we are powerless? That Norton would have been then–after his rape–left alone to hang with black people in prison is completely absurd. Absolute madness, but the cultural Marxist agenda, by the time I was in secondary school (early 80’s) was already some 50 years in the western school system. I read this but I am having trouble comprehending, so just to be sure here, you are interpreting Exodus 20:14; though shall not commit adultery, as anti miscegenation? Le recrutement de 1200 élèves-gendarmes au Madagascar est prévu cette année 2020-2021. Troof, smell the coffee. In the NT the word jew replaces ‘an inhabitant of Judea’. Did Spencer have to mess up his marriage in the most spectacular way? Cross-eyed? I thought 25th Hour was his best, only because of the supporting roll of his ’70 Superbee. I also joined the Marines (1833, very few negroes in that MOS because again, they can’t swim) and observed all of the same things you did. Goodness knows, our friend (((Stryker))) is rather proud of Jewish criminal achievements like underage prostitution rings, money laundering, selling body organs, Ponzi schemes, child molestation and an assortment of things that disgust most people. I do not suffer fools gladly. However, viewed with the proper frame of reference, the film is a very very good example of the way Hollywood attempts to subvert American whites and teach them to hate themselves. They should have had him just talk in his normal voice. It’s possible that an intelligent man of some talent could be drawn to a movement of such idiocy. If I am not mistaken, wasn’t the girl who played Derek’s dimwitted girlfriend in the movie, a Jewess in REAL life? Good night from America, and tell them Trinity is still my name. Do yourself a favor. And the Aryan Brotherhood is not the same gang as Neo Nazis or Skinheads in prison, they are different factions, just like The Woods, but there is an alliance, in states like California, White gangs even have an alliance with certain Mexican gangs. Ft.Myers, me, a 20% White minority. Going far beyond Black and White, it explores Black and Hispanic conflict, as well as the cacophonous, frequently irreconcilable, demands and expectations of the Rainbow of Diversity encompassed within our borders. You will never see anything remotely communist.”. However, if you know anything about Mexicans, then you know that too much cerveza y machismo equals pugilistica. Apparently you can’t read. The backlash in the 80’s of the ripped ubers-mensch action star is likely partially related to the Jewish push of neurotic ugly weak men like Gould and Woody Allen in their films of the 70s. There is some truth in that, but I think there’s more, and it’s about the manner of ‘conversion’. I have no urge to see it again (I rarely watch movies more than once no matter how good, with notable exceptions). I shuddered. After all, if whites had a similar sense of roots and heritage, they would not have lost to the Jews. I find it. Or couldn’t comprehend it. Great column, but your claim here is patently false. It’s like how Jews used Archie Bunker on ALL IN THE FAMLILY. Sweeney’s arguments are terrible. It’s been said many artistic-inclined Chinese film-makers chose to make works about the hinterland or non-Han ethnicities due to fewer taboos associated with such subjects. Selling body organs? But, then, Yankees were never known for their honor… or hospitality, or courtesy, or generosity, or manners, or dignity, or anything other than their avarice, chicanery, gaudiness, pomposity and braggadocio. The fact of the matter though is there are hundreds of millions of non-whites ALREADY in the west, ranging from first generation immigrants to people who have lived there as long as whites. You sound like an imbecile. Thus, Christianity was the first Americanism that made Europeans reject their own for something Other. Use of multiple, non-Anonymous handles for commenting on this webzine is strongly discouraged, and your secret (real or fictitious) email allows you to authenticate your commenter-identity, preventing others from assuming it, accidentally or otherwise. Who is Hitler? I suggest you start opening your eyes, instead of reading the many lies that have been prevalent, about ‘white’ people throughout history. Again- easy to be an ANONYMOUS keyboard warrior when you draw a government or retirement check. 100% right! Entertainment even more so. Furthermore, he might have felt that the film would be more convincing and moving if it showed a character struggling to break out of his comfort zone. He readily acknowledges the Anti-Christian attitudes that are prevalent in the Jewish community, but excuses them as being due to a continual fear of the Inquisition and Holocaust. White people are not inherently evil For two , the extreme brutality of Norton’s killing of the guy. We all have to gain a foothold somewhere. Jerry Springer hour? No one among his peers dared to give him lip. I do recall reading that the Jewish director in fact got cold feet and didn’t want to release the movie AT ALL, but the review here puts it down to a dispute over length. The Anti-Semitic Birth of the Zionist State, Understanding anti-Putin PSYOPs: Preparing for war. And when he begins to look down on the ‘Aryans’ as unworthy of his attention, others feel offended and put him in his place. And only a very small percentage of white people see this? Also, Lamont, buffoonish as he is, shows that decency isn’t really about learning, intelligence, or highfalutin stuff; it’s about people connecting on the level of openness and friendship. So we have a problem and that’s why blacks have the low paid jobs. But there is also a side of Jewishness that is deeply troubled by this seemingly never-ending conflict stemming from Jewishness’s us-vs-them worldview. Campagnes de dépistage du syndrome de Lynch Justification. The movie is a sly knock on Christianity and ultimately about how what appears to be potentially the best of them are in reality the worst and most dangerous. that’s also when I discovered just how lazy they really are as a group. But worst of all, he doesn’t just adopt an extreme ideology but an extremely demented lifestyle of ugliness and degeneracy. THE BROTHAS!”. AnonFromTN|AnonStarter|Nicolás Palacios Navarro|L.K|Res|SolontoCroesus|Talha|xxxErebus|Mark Green|AP, Director Tony Kaye’s anti-skinhead morality tale, Derek’s opponent and ultimate salvation is supposed to be Bob Sweeney, played by, Sweeney speaks for Derek, and he is paroled. If you’re open minded, with the ability to think critically and therefore see the truth, then you WILL come to the conclusion I have promoted. Ironically same kids are/will be forced to read Elie Wiesel (with missing TATTOOS, WHERE IS THE BEEF) IN high schools, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9288923/History-teacher-discovers-Gen-Z-students-dont-know-HITLER-is.html, I would like to suggest another movie for review–“Law Abiding Citizen” starring Jamie Foxx as Nick Rice, the self-serving “win at any cost” prosecutor, true justice be damned and Gerard Butler as Clyde Alexander Shelton whose family was murdered in front of him. This is why there is the problem with immigrants. My friend might be able to co-star in a remake of “Bad Ass” with Danny Trejo since he can now claim he spent time in the joint, yo. That’s me. Now, a failed work of propaganda would be Sam Fuller’s ludicrous WHITE DOG that doesn’t make sense even on its own grounds. Condition Red: Your Visual Displacement is Now Complete, Ahmaud Arbery: The Holiness of the Long Distance Jogger, Manchester cops are finally getting serious about Pakistani statutory rape, WaPo: It was racist of Chauvin to worry that blacks might riot, World War T is becoming slightly less of a rout, New accusations against po-mo philosopher Michel Foucault, Weiss: The Miseducation of America’s Elites, An Expert Military Analysis of War with China. 2. But you’re not listening, Troofie baby. Likewise, Derek’s transformation owes as much to pain & fear as to better understanding. Bobby Beausoleil was in jail at the time of the Tate/LaBianca murders. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. There’s a scene in DO THE RIGHT THING where the usually unpleasant Radio Raheem has a soft spot for Mookie(played by Lee). Or an awkward scrawny dork who feels ostracized by society?) This leads Derek to change his whole worldview. That is what goes on on the dorms- every hour. But since we are speaking of the collective actions of nations and peoples: “wouldn’t begin to compare to the displacement, disenfranchisement, and disappearance of the White Race that was orchestrated in the second half of the twentieth century.”. Also, Derek’s mom is dating the Jew who teaches at the school Derek and his younger brother attended. The story line of Primal Fear wasn’t that great, but Norton turned in such a good performance that the film was better than it would have been otherwise. American History X is a crass and highly overrated film. And, Stop pasting your slime! He has a taste for 1920s prison lingo. My guess is they would probably make the victims White and Black as well. Take the new Danish bible for example? Paraphrasing here because we are talking decades ago, the guy wrote, you could steal my dog or rape my woman but you don’t touch my bike. But is it realistic to expect sterling characters in prison? Only once did one of my formerly incarcerated opponents manage to best me, and he was someone that went around kicking everybody’s ass. You see, immigration is the tool, the jew uses to dismantle the host nation. Instead I read historical revisionism and listen to audio books and podcasts. Because the Negro’s master, unlike typical white Southerners, has set him free and treats him as a dear friend. Many, due to their only crime being some form of drug abuse, shouldn’t be in jail at all; though some may have to be institutionalized due to their inability to live independently. Watch full episodes, specials and documentaries with National Geographic TV channel online. Overall, the movie was absolutely drivel. Your son becomes an Eminem whigger to integrate? Are not people just people wherever you go? And yet, the film falters in posing only two possibilities: Far-right extremism and wishful hope in the Dream. Anyway, you have links and can do your own research. BAM! Sometimes I would watch old episodes of FIRST 48 in Asia where the sorry white lumpenproles went down for being part of some meth circle. 5. Even Norton’s crime is a result of blacks showing up at his house with guns. “Citations required here, or retract your statement”. Please say hello for me to Odin, Thor, Zeus, Jupiter, Ganesh, Chupacabras, Beowulf,Ba’al, or whatever other Gaulic, Celtic, et al, Japhethic god that you really worship. Bro., the scene doesn’t quite achive justice without video. Tragedy of history is that sentiments are rarely in sync. Chances are NO. En cas d’identification de mutations constitutionnelles, un dépistage génétique peut être proposé aux autres membres de la famille. If you think that people aren’t out there fighting with one another, then you haven’t been watching the news, or reading the newspapers, or ever even seen an episode of “Ridiculousness.”. Clyde Barrow was a physically small man. Its losing eyeballs and ears fast. Have you ever been to a play, or gone to your airplane seat, and a truculent jerk is in your assigned seat? “Runaway Train” is a decent movie, but why an Alaskan convict played by Jon Voight sports a fake Brooklyn accent is a mystery to me, and Eric Roberts accent sounds weird regardless of any movie he played in. Manson himself has denied that he put much faith in Terry Melcher’s promises of a recording deal, the actual killings were an attempt to intimidate Dennis Wilson into paying up the royalty on the song he blatantly stole from Manson. Among the traits they routinely displayed were border line illiteracy and limited vocabularies, a sophomoric sense of humor, boorish behavior, a lack of table manners, and a tendency to want to fight over small disagreements; or at least engage in loud, profanity laced shouting matches. Thus, https://www.unz.com/tlynch/review-american-history-x/, The Unz Review • An Alternative Media Selection, Review: the Man Who Shot Liberty Valance →, https://catholicexchange.com/does-the-bible-forbid-miscegenation, American Pravda: Understanding World War II, American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion, Covid-19 Origins, EBooks, and Audio Files, Israeli Politics and the Metaphysics of the Shtetl, Arthur Kanegis on World Citizen Garry Davis, 9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Not a bad review of a ridiculous movie. For one, the idea that the Aryans would rape a guy. Yet, on the very first page, he laments that the era of enormous Jewish influence in America may soon be coming to an end due to intermarriage and assimilation. Although, Sam had some really good songs when he was a solo artist before joining with the brothers V. H. https://www.jonathanrosenbaum.net/2019/06/the-way-we-weren-t-2/, Today Smith responded to my resignation letter. And yet, there’s a certain truth to Derek’s attitude as well. I could spend a lot of time, explaining to you, where everyone went, but really ‘Truth’ (really you chose that name? Meanwhile the Brahmins run IT, the Jews everything else, the Italians are the only successful criminals who manage to become millionaires & stay on the street, the Asians go to Harvard. First of all, it is merely a shaming tactic to liken complaints about white dispossession to blacks blaming the white man for their own failings. In turn the Film lost some of its edge as propaganda. When proud whites controlled American Historical Memory, there was something for everyone. Découvrez un catalogue de miners pour cryptomonnaies, par Journal Du Coin et Sesterce! Not to mention living in a stress filled environment, yo. No doubt that they wanted to see EBM take the beating but as long as it wasn’t them they were fine and dandy with the Black dude being bloodied and filming it. …when Sweeney chooses to focus on his individual life rather than questions of social justice, this is not moving from the “wrong questions” to the “right questions.” …focusing on your own life doesn’t make social problems disappear. I’m not a lumpen on Big Herc’s show who was sent down for selling Opoids & beat up a “Chomo” & had to visit a probation officer & subject urine samples. I’m not sure there’s anyone who really believes that 4 skinheads (is the blueprint of a modern skinhead a physically gifted, good looking, intelligent white guy? I read somewhere years ago that one version of the script featured Derek becoming a Nazi again after his brother’s murder. The audience has a dual attitude toward the Bad Guys. So as you ask above of do they think we’re as stupid as they are, the answer, overwhelmingly is yes and more. She was shot standing beside several armed cops. Ce phénotype MSI est observé dans plus de 90% des cancers colorectaux diagnostiqués dans le syndrome de Lynch et dans près de 10% des cancers sporadiques alors secondaires à une hyperméthylation du promoteur de MLH1. Believe it or not but the very thing that caused most of the problems that happened in the bible, with the Hebrews and Israelites, WAS nation mixing.

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